Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ASSETS: Testimonials

To follow up our post on ASSETS, I thought should post a couple testimonies from students who have graduated secondary school with the help of ASSETS.

Oscar Mwaro
Born 1984
From Mijomboni
Graduated from Lenana School in 2005.
Currently in University

I dropped out of school in 2002 owing to a lack of funds to pay for my school fees. I was very disappointed because I thought I was not going to be able to continue with my secondary school education. I felt my dreams were slipping away. Then along came ASSETS...
Thanks to the project, I was able to finish my secondary school education last year with grade B aggregate. In January 2007, I hope to go to university to study health sciences.
I’m proud to be an ASSETS beneficiary and enjoy all the activities that we can be involved with….”

Oscar attended one of the best secondary schools in Kenya. After school he taught French in a number of private schools before Joining the University of Nairobi. Oscar is now pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies and Geography. For his higher education, Oscar is being supported by Gift International.

Leah Mwamure

Born 1985
From Bogamachuko
Graduated from Vitengeni Baptist High School in 2005.
Graduated from Teacher Training College

“You have made me warm and God bless you all” (Leah’s comments when she was visited by ASSETS committee members on her graduation day.)

Leah is among our very first lot of students that we supported. While she was a student she was supplied with some tree seedlings to plant in her farm. Upon graduation from High School, Leah sold some of the trees and raised enough money to support her younger brother who was joining secondary school. Leah has so far qualified as a primary teacher and teaches in a private school in Malindi.

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