Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anna's Top 10

Lynton's post has inspired me to do the same ...
Anna's top memories/experiences from A Rocha Canada time in no particular order:
  • The Painting - I've never had so much time to dedicate to my hobby of painting.  From teaching art lessons, to getting art lessons, to painting chickens and vege signs ...
  • The Animals - the humming birds, woodpeckers, bald eagles, coyotes, raccoons, elks, rattlesnakes, frogs, the list could go on
  • The Cooking - making homemade pasta, curry, muesli, pizza, naan, yoghurt etc = good times
  • Not Teaching! - ahh the freedom, ahh the stress-free life of not being a full time teacher
  • The Rockies - the best camping spots, the grandest views, the coolest animals
  • The Sister-in-Law visit - Anne-Marie came bearing gin and chocolate and an empty suitcase to send all Lynton's newly acquired books home, fun times were had, Colin was christened Coco-pops 
  • The Guitar Playing and Singing - weekly, multi-hour singalongs with the best harmonies and some of my favourite songs
  • The Learning - biblestudies, documentaries, books, and conversations to expand the mind
  • The People - they'll be remembered long after all the other memories fade
  • The Time and Space - to think, to read, to pray, to paint, to chat, to learn, to love


  1. I loved reading your two 'top-tens' - You're both really missed here by everyone, including one Scouser. Cocopops (or just Coco) is starting to catch on (I introduced myself as that on the boat trip, which helped). Come and visit the west of Ireland on your way home from Kenya,
    bye for now

  2. We miss life at the centre in so many ways too. But alas we must press on. We will soon be in Scousland. My friend has even gotten me a ticket to a Liverpool match. Heaps of people at A Rocha UK ask after you. We have enjoyed our time here. Enjoy the rest of your time. Must be like 7 weeks to go?
